Our Network

Working Together makes us Stronger

 Below is our network of contacts for various animal-related issues, sanctuaries and rescues.

Animal Justice Canada

Animal Justice Canada is Canada’s only national animal law advocacy organization.

1.  Animal Justice Canada is a Canadian Registered Charity, 803997212RR0001.

2.  Animal Justice Canada Legislative Fund (“Animal Justice”) is a federally incorporated not-for-profit dedicated to advocating for the humane treatment of animals.

Animal Welfare Services (AWS)

Animal Welfare Services (AWS) within Ontario’s Ministry of the Solicitor General is responsible for enforcing the Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019 (PAWS Act). The PAWS Act came into force on January 1, 2020. Enabled by the PAWS Act, Ontario’s animal welfare system includes a provincial enforcement model comprised of a Chief Animal Welfare Inspector and teams of provincially deployed and specialized animal welfare inspectors who have powers to conduct investigations and help animals in distress. The PAWS Act also empowers police officers and First Nations Constables to take action when an animal is in distress.

The PAWS Act and its regulations help to ensure that animals are protected and treated in a humane manner. Protections include setting out basic standards of care that apply to all animals covered under the Act, specific standards of care that apply to dogs kept outdoors, standards of care for captive primates, marine mammals and captive wildlife, standards for enclosures for captive wildlife, and prohibitions against causing or permitting distress to an animal.

If you believe an animal is in distress or being mistreated, please call the Ontario Animal Protection Call Centre (OAPCC) at 1-833-9ANIMAL (1-833-926-4625) to report the details of your concerns so that they can be fully investigated. Based on the location and nature of the incident, the OAPCC may flag the ticket for further investigation with the appropriate authorities, such as a provincial inspector or the local police.

The OAPCC is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Reporting to the OAPCC ensures prompt and appropriate triaging. Please bear in mind that they receive a very high volume of calls. Calls made to AWS are received through the OAPCC. The OAPCC cannot provide information about what calls have been received or the status of ongoing inspections and/or investigations. 

Call 911 in an emergency when any life is in immediate danger. The PAWS Act provides police and First Nations Constables with authority to enforce the PAWS Act.

Please also note that any alleged violations of the Criminal Code of Canada should be directed to the local police of the relevant jurisdiction.

Authorized Ontario Wildlife Rehabilitators

Here is the list of all Ontario Wildlife Rehabilitators who have a valid Wildlife Custodian Authorization.

Coexisting With Wildlife
Below are websites with information on how to peacefully coexist with various species of wildlife.
  1. Bears  —  To discuss problems with bears, phone Ontario’s BearWise at 1-866-514-2327. If a bear is posing an immediate threat by showing threatening or aggressive behaviour, remain calm and call 911.
  2. Beavers
  3. Deer
  4. Turtles — Saving Turtles At Risk Today (START) hotline 705-955-4284.
  5. Other Wild Species  —  Canada Geese, Ducks, Foxes, Coyotes, Rabbits, Raccoons, Skunks, Squirrels, Ground Hogs, Pigeons and Rodents.
Cushing Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, International School for Earth Studies (Québec)

The Cushing Wildlife Rehabilitation Center is run by a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.  Please note: this establishment is also a business.  Their wildlife sanctuary activities include rehabilitating the local indigenous wildlife. Those animals not able to return to the wild become permanent education animals. Animals they rescue and release include foxes, bear cubs, skunks, raccoons, deer fawns, coyotes, and birds of prey.

Farm Animal Sanctuaries

Here is a list of Ontario’s Farm Animal Sanctuaries. Visting various farm animal sanctuaries is an excellent alternative to a zoo.  

Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR)

The MNR protects Ontario’s biodiversity.  They also promote economic opportunities in the resource sector and support outdoor recreation opportunities. This is the Ministry to contact should you wish to apply for Ontario’s Wildlife Custodian Authorization.

MNR Tipline.

Ottawa-Carleton Wildlife Centre
The Ottawa-Carleton Widlife Centre website helps thousands of home owners each year with advice on the birthing season and proper animal-proofing techniques. They resolve problems in a humane, cost-effictive and permanent way. Take advantage of this free and experienced advice! 
Ottawa Humane Society (OHS)

The OHS provides a safe haven for domestic animals with nowhere else to turn.  They are involved with rescuing, reuniting and re-homing these animals.

Ottawa Rabbit Rescue
Ottawa Rabbit Rescue  is a federally registered non-profit organization founded in 2019. They are a foster and volunteer based rescue for domestic rabbits. (** Please never release your domestic rabbit into the wild! **)
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

PETA is the largest animal rights organization in the world with more than 6.5 million members and supporters.  PETA focuses on four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time.  These areas are in the: laboratories, food industry, clothing trade and entertainment industry. PETA also works on a variety of other issues including the cruel killing of rodents, birds and other animals who are often considered “pests”.  Finally, they also work on cases involving cruelty to domesticated animals.

Their motto:  “Animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment or abuse in any other way” provides a very powerful message.

PETA works through public education, cruelty investigations, research, animal rescue, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement, and protest campaigns. 


Search For Wildlife Rehabilitators

If you find a wild animal who needs help, you can use the following search tools to find a Wildlife Rehabilitator in your area.

1.  For wild animals found in Ontario, Canada:  Search Tool

2.  For wild animals found in the United States:  Animal Help Now


Social Media Animal Cruelty Coalition (SMACC)

SMACC strongly discourages people from watching or sharing cruelty content. However, if you have seen cruelty content on social media, first and foremost please report it to the platform even if you think that they will ignore your report.

Then please report it to SMACC. Information provided by the public is a valuable part of SMACC’s strategy to combat the proliferation of online animal cruelty content. 

Wildlife Transport Services

There are a number of wildlife transport services.

1. Ontario Wildlife Transport is a volunteer organization assisting people with no other means of transport to get injured and orphaned wildlife to Wildlife Rescue Centers across the province. OWT’s goal is to get wildlife in need into care as quickly as possible. 

Interested drivers who would like to volunteer with OWT can visit  https://www.facebook.com/groups/531300835500541/

For questions or to submit a transport request, please send OWT a message at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086918327010 

2.  Contact Susan Stacey at 705-772-6044.

3.  Contact Team Chelsea at 905-666-4676.

4.  Critter Cabs is another animal (wildlife and domestic) transport service. You can also connect with them via email at:  [email protected].

Wildlife Diseases

1.  Reporting Dead or Diseased Wildlife.  Or please call 519-824-4120.

2.  Mange Treatment.

3.  Rabies Unit. Or please call 1-888-574-6656.

Additional Information


In Canada ...

For animals in immediate danger, please call police at 911.


In Ontario ...

llegal activity related to plants and wildlife can be reported to the Ministry of Natural Resources —  1-877-TIPS-MNR (1-877-847-7667).

You can report suspected animal abuse and welfare issues to:


In Ottawa, Ontario ...

The city of Ottawa Bylaw Services transports injured stray domestic pets and wildlife. The Bylaw Services brings these animals to the Ottawa Humane Society (OHS) for care. Therefore, for sick or injured wildlife and stray pets please call 311.

For large wildlife such as deer, moose and bear, please call Ottawa Police Services at 613-236-1222.


In Quebec ...

If you have information regarding animal cruelty or neglect please call the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of Western Quebec at 819-770-7722.

Please report any illegal activity related to plants and wildlife to the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs.